Friday, December 30, 2011

Day 1 and 2

I am a full-time student and a mother of a little boy who will be two in March. I was 125 pounds when my fiance and I first got together and right before I got pregnant I was 113 and did nothing to lose it. So when I got pregnant I thought I would not have to do anything to lose my baby fat. Boy, was I wrong. I was about 180 before I had my son, and lost 20 pounds in two weeks, and stopped there. For the last 21 months I have been roughly 160 pounds. I was always the skinniest in my family my whole life, so it makes me sad to look in the mirror.
Four months after having my son I decided to go back to work, even though my plan was not to and to just focus on school. The job I had was really laid back and most nights were slow, so when I went back to school, it was easy for me to get my school work out and do a little homework here and there when I had time. A new restaurant was opening in Council Bluffs and I thought that it would be about the same as my current job and I would still be able to keep up with my school work. This job was not laid back at all. I worked long hours, and they rarely let me have a day off, and the days off I did get I would have to spend cleaning house. Three months later I quit working all together to focus on school.
Though I quit working, I still rarely have time to go to the gym because I'm either at school, doing homework, cleaning, or spending time with my family. When I heard about this diet about two weeks ago from my oldest brother Sean, I was so excited to get started. My brother works 18 hour days with two different jobs, and he is a new father to my nephew John David. This stuff is called Visalus and it is basically just milkshakes. They take literally 2 minutes to make and is perfect for someone who is on the go all the time and doesn't have time to hit the gym. I drink one in the morning for breakfast, one in the afternoon for lunch, and have what I normally eat for dinner, as long as it is sensible.
Visalus comes in huge pouches of shake powder that looks like baby formula (but definitely does not taste like it!) My package came with sample packets of different flavors, but you can blend fresh fruit and skim or soy almond milk with it and it is only about 90 calories per shake. With a 2000 calorie diet, you could have a 1820 calorie dinner! This stuff helps boost your metabolism and if you work out on top of taking it, it will help you lose weight even faster.
You don't have to want to lose weight to take it either. If you feel sluggish or you don't eat healthy and just feel like crap all the time, you can also take this to have a healthier lifestyle. I've only been taking it two days and I already feel 10 times healthier. I haven't started losing weight quite yet, but if I feel this good only after a couple days I have a feeling it will help me lose weight.
I'll post weekly pictures so everyone (or anyone) who is reading this can see if it works or not. If I could get three people to buy this stuff I will get my next package free. You can too if you sign up to sell this. I'm doing this in hopes people will see that is is working on me and will want to buy it. I would like to get people to seriously want to buy the stuff before I start selling it so I'm not wasting my time or money. Plus being a full-time student and mom, it is hard to find time to work, so this would be perfect for me if I could get just three or four people to buy it from me every month.
If you do not want to wait for me to sign up and start selling, you could also go to my mom's and brother's sites and buy from them.
Charise Wilson
Sean Godsey


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