Friday, January 6, 2012

Days 3-7

I have found this "diet" to be really easy to stick to. It's a little harder when I'm at home all the time because I tend to eat out of boredom, but I've been catching myself. Plus it's the end of the month and we need to go grocery shopping, and all of our healthy food is gone. So instead of caving in and eating junk, I just make myself a shake. Kris says I need to slow down because we are going through so much milk lol. I'm not sure if I have lost weight yet, since I don't own a scale, but I start school on Monday, meaning I will be going to Council Bluffs and I'll just use my mom's scale. I feel like I have so much energy now though.
Landyn, Kris, and I have all three been sick this passed week. It turns out what Landyn has is pneumonia, and it is probably what Kris and I have too. I'm feeling better and Kris was finally able to go back to work yesterday. The ViSalus shakes helped me get the energy I needed to take care of myself and my boys. It's not supposed to be an energy drink but it has all the vitamins and nutrients you need for a day in just one shake, so you have natural energy rather than the caffeine in energy drinks and coffee. I believe I got better so much faster than Landyn and Kris because I continued to get all my nutrients I needed, whereas those two don't drink these every day like I do.
My blender also broke, but I'm not letting that stop me from drinking these. I just mix the powder with milk and put whatever flavor I want in it. It is a little lumpy but it doesn't bother me really. I want to stay committed to this because I really want my old body back, or close to it.
When I go back to school, I plan on working out at the school gym on Tuesdays and Thursdays because I have a two hour break in between my classes. I'm really hoping it helps boost my weight loss and will help me get to my goal faster. I'm not sure if I told you what my goal was, but on the ViSalus website I said I wanted to lose 30 lbs in 90 days, so by Landyn's 2nd birthday I want to be down to 130 lbs. That's still 15 lbs heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight, but I think I will be happy still. Then if I continue doing this I will probably lose the other 15 lbs.
Like I promised last week, here's another picture for the end of my first week. I didn't see any improvement  quite yet, but it's only been a week :)